ASTM D6691

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Standard Test Method for Determining Aerobic Biodegradation* of Plastic Materials in the Marine Environment by a Defined Microbial Consortium or Natural Sea Water Inoculum

Significance and Use (There is no known ISO equivalent to this standard)

The use of plastics aboard ships is on the rise and the use of the sea as a trash dumping site is no longer a possibility; consequently, the disposal of plastic materials while at sea remains a major issue. It is possible that biodegradable plastics will help to allay public concern by allowing for the safe disposal of plastic materials at sea. This test method has been developed to assess the rate and degree of aerobic biodegradation of plastics exposed to marine microorganisms. Aerobic biodegradation is determined by measuring the amount of biogas (carbon dioxide) produced during such an exposure.

It is acceptable to use the degree and rate of aerobic biodegradability of a plastic under the conditions of this test method to estimate the persistence of that plastic in biologically active marine environments, for example, seashore and open-ocean.


It shall be recognized that predicting long-term environmental fate and effects from the results of short-term exposure to a simulated marine environment is difficult. Thus, caution shall be exercised when extrapolating the results obtained from this or any other controlled-environment test to disposal in the natural environment.

* Biodegradation rates of EcoPure®-treated plastic materials are measured according to various ASTM test methods specific to certain biologically-active environments.  Actual biodegradation rates may vary in the specific biologically-active environments according to the type and characteristics of plastic used, the product configuration, and/or the solid content, temperature and moisture levels of the biologically-active environment.  Claims of performance shall be limited to the numerical result obtained in the test and not be used for unqualified “biodegradable” claims.  Testing reports shall clearly state the percentage of net gaseous carbon generation for both the test and reference samples at the completion of the test.  Furthermore, results shall not be extrapolated past the actual duration of the test.


California Regulation 42355
Regulation 42355 in California currently prohibits the sale of plastic products and packaging that are labeled with the terms ‘biodegradable,’ ‘degradable,’ decomposable,’ or any form of those terms. The law also prohibits language that implies in any way that the item will break down, biodegrade or decompose in a landfill or other environment. These restrictions apply to all sales within or into the State of California, including sales over the Internet.

Maryland Environmental Code § 9-2101
Maryland Environmental Code currently prohibits the sale of plastic products and packaging that are labeled with the terms ‘biodegradable,’ ‘degradable,’ decomposable,’ or any form of those terms. The law also prohibits language that implies in any way that the item will break down, biodegrade or decompose in a landfill or other environment. These restrictions apply to all sales within or into the State of Maryland, including sales over the Internet.